
Showing posts from December, 2020

Educational Qualification for Politicians: Necessary or Not..?

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."                                                                                                                                        -Nelson Mandela These words by Nelson Mandela reflect the importance of education. It gives us light in the dark. It is addressed today with utmost significance. It is after realising its value that the Indian Government passed the Right to Education Act in 2009. It has opened a world of opportunities to all of us. It also helps us to secure a decent job.  It had been a very hotly debated question of the recent times that should politicians have a minimum educational qualification. Education is not mandatory for a person to contest in elections in India. It is basically backed by reasons such as an experienced person can be a better politician than an educated person;  it gives equal opportunity for all to represent people , etc. But even with such good reasons, why is t